There are several expenses that you can claim as an expense. Please see below the list of possible allowable expenses that you may be able to claim. Please seek professional advice or get in touch with one of our experts on 0800 644 1258 or 0203 4411 258 or email us at
- Accountancy Fee
- Advertising
- Agents Fees
- Bad Debts
- Bank Charges and Interest
- Christmas Party – Staff only
- Cleaning charges
- Commissions Paid
- Computer consumables and software
- Courses specifically required for earning the income
- Employer NI & Tax
- Hire of Equipment
- Insurance
- Laundry
- Legal Fees
- Light & Heat
- Loose Tools
- Maintenance of office machines
- Materials
- Mobile Phone in Business Name
- MOT – Car Insurance – Road Tax
- Motor Expenses – Repairs & Maintenance
- Petrol
- Pensions
- Postage
- Protective clothing (Boots, Overalls, Hard Hats etc.)
- Purchases for Resale
- Petty Cash
- Rates
- Rent
- Repairs
- Salaries & Wages & Staff Bonus
- Security Costs
- Service and Repair
- Staff Benefits (Medical, Permanent Health, Pensions etc.)
- Staff Training & Welfare
- Stationery
- Sundry Expenses
- Telephone – Mobile
- Trade journals
- Trade Subscriptions
- Travel (Air, Rail, Taxis*, Underground, Bus)
- Use of Home – (Ask us for Use of Home Sheet if not Provided)
- Web Development Cost
- Sub Contractor Cost
*Please seek Professional advice before claiming any of the expenses mentioned above. Call us on 0800 644 1258 for more information.